I'm a messy gardener. Don't let the lovely macros I sometimes deliver to my photo blog fool you. Over-all, my garden is low-budget, low-maintenance and there are times when I talk to the weeds. :-)

A journal of our humble New England garden. Dedicated to W.P., with love.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Sort of Messy Gardner

I believe I'm improving in my ability to keep the garden looking decent. Though today was quite windy and some of the leaves I raked into piles but never picked up, last weekend, have now sneaked back into the flower beds. Still, it's a huge improvement over last year, at this time.

 The cherub has moved again.

This is one of two backyard gardens. Actually this one is just a patch with daffies and tulips and a few iris, which come in quite a bit later. I'm still deciding what to plant here for later blooming. You see, I have only been the gardener in this house for six years. I should say that I have been helping WP with it for that long. He's lived here for many years.

Bulbs are starting to shoot out with a vengeance. These shots are all from today, Thursday. It was pretty warm with a strong but pleasant breeze to keep the humidity at bay. That won't last for long...

The beds on the magnolia tree are showing signs of pink. This was planted only last year to honor the spirit of Alice who passed away in April. I always remember birthdays, but I rarely remember the exact date that people die.

This little beauty has come back for two years now but I'm not sure of the name of it. It hasn't grown much but it's very pretty. When I find out what it is, I'm going to buy some more. Not every plant does well in this sandy soil. Between that and all the pine trees (in the back), some plants don't do very well. It must the acidity from the pine needles.

Let's cross the road now and have a look at the river...

prayer flags snapping gracefully in the wind...

 ...and the unopened book I left lying on the outside table. Weeding a bit, taking pictures and daydreaming kept me busy and happy enough. Reading can wait until dark today.

Easter Sunday

Putting up the newest prayer flags on Easter Sunday

To the left of the prayer flags, the forsythia is starting to bloom!

Friday, April 2, 2010

April 1, 2010

Yawn. I'd love to rake those leaves but it's such a nice day for just soaking up the sun! Maybe I should call this blog The Lazy Gardner.

The Cherub was feeling quite precarious on top of its pedestal, since the birthbath was broken by the unruly squirrel community, so I moved him closer to the where the bulbs will be flowering.